Awards and Recognition:

Company details

CEO/Director’s Name

Toh Yong Chien


Managing Director


49, Jalan Haji Abdul 53,
Off Jalan Sungai Jati Kg Jawa,
41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan,

49, Jalan Haji Abdul 53, Off Jalan Sungai Jati Kg Jawa, 41200 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.


Journey of Toh's Daily started in 2015, and today the company is still passionately run by the founder of food lovers dedicated to making the best. The founder, Toh was operating a cozy Japanese restaurant in 2015 after returning from Japan. He realised many customers (being Malaysian) loved asking for special peppers or chili sauce. With all the materials he had in the kitchen and a sprinkle of imagination, Toh created a simple yet scrumptious garlicky chili oil upon such requests. It quickly gained popularity among its many regular customers. People started talking about it and came back asking specifically for more fried garlic bits. That's where the first generation of Chili Garlic was born. After many rounds of improvement, the brand started to take form; an idea was conceived--Toh's Daily.

Toh's Daily is a vegan product manufacturer and has developed 3 different unique flavours (Toh’s Daily - Original, Toh’s Daily - Extra Spicy and Toh’s Daily - Tomyum). These can be served directly to enhance the flavour of whatever you choose to pour it on, stir it in, or as a marinade. The company’s mission is to keep on improving the product applications without discounting on the nutritional quality. Toh's Daily uses 100% natural ingredients, and does not contain preservatives, artificial colours or flavours.

Achieving the SME100 Award is a significant moment of accomplishment that marks the company’s development and growth. Being recognized as a SME100 Awards: Fast Moving Company can help its business build credibility and at the same time increase awareness of the brand as consumers often associate awards with trustworthiness, product integrity and quality. Consecutively, winning this award can boost consumer confidence in the company’s products and services, leading to increased revenue and long-term consumer loyalty.

Toh's Daily often approaches innovation and experimentation within its business by being involved in collaborations and partnerships with renowned culinary parties. Communing with other businesses or chefs can bring fresh perspective and expertise into its product business. Furthermore, Toh's Daily also does food sampling at grocery stores to provide opportunities to test new concepts and gather real-time feedback.

Toh's Daily’s plan for sustainability is to implement strategies to minimize food waste in its operations in the future. The company can reuse the onion peels/skins to come out with different products. It could also use eco-friendly label packaging material and work towards reducing carbon footprints.